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03.26.2022 on Saturday at 7:00 PM


A true Awareness + Connection to our entire being is important because that is where our innate power lays. Self knowledge is the first step to authentic energy exchanges + properly channelling our power with purpose.


Yoni Conversations is a 6 series healing space for women to gather in + talk about important topics such as how politics, culture, food, daily habits / routines, + mindsets effect our health, spiritually and mentally.


Our Topic of Discussion is EMBODIMENT


This conversation will accopany a yoni meditaition + yoga flow focused on breath work that will teach us how to down regulate our nervous system to center us in our power as spiritual beings.

We will teach breathwork techniques + We will explore ways we can do to heal and maintain auric integrity. Much of our conversation will explore how to embody our body fully. Connect with wisdom through practicing being present and whole with daily practices that connects our physiology and we will talk about some of the many pathways to connect with our self and nervous system.


This class comes with:

- journal

- vegan dinner + refreshments

- affirmation cards

- mineral kit or smudge kit

Our goal is that you return to each part of the series so there will be a discount code (estimating half off) sent to any returning guest via request so that your next ticket reflects you have your initial starter kit.


Each segment will have a tool box of spiritual tools that will help allieviate and align the part of the body we will be discussing. Our goal is to ensure you leave with the WAY / the tools neccassary to align, assist, and guide.


Meditation + Yoni Yoga will be lead by Audia Cook, Youniquely Yogi LLC

Conversation + Ritual will be lead by Ifafunmiwo Jae Omitola. From The Coil LLC

Yoni Conversations - Sovereignty

$65.00 Regular Price
$44.44Sale Price
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